Friday, March 24, 2023

Medicare Psychiatric Hospital Beds by Region

Serving more than 62 million Americans having Medicare Part A insurance coverage, psychiatric hospitals are an important part of Medicare's provider network.  As of 2020, there were over 600 psychiatric hospitals, with more than 61,000 beds, that were participating in the Medicare program.  Here is a breakdown of Medicare psychiatric hospital beds by region (to see state-level data, follow the "region" links in the table below):

Region # Part A Enrollees # Hospitals # Beds
Far West 9,495,673 65 5,385
Great Lakes 9,196,909 102 8,663
Great Plains 4,142,384 37 2,255
Mid-East 9,408,082 81 14,344
New England 3,068,210 33 3,668
Rocky Mountain 2,039,128 22 2,194
Southeast 17,048,200 172 15,685
Southwest 6,815,787 97 8,528
U.S. Territories 1,287,380 4 407
National 62,498,751 613 61,129

Source:  CMS Program Statistics, Table: MDCR PROVIDERS 4. Medicare Providers:  Number of Medicare Certified Hospitals and Skilled Nursing Facilities, and Number of Beds, by State, Territories, Possessions, and Other, the Calendar Year 2020

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