Friday, February 7, 2025

Occupational Therapist Employment in the Mid-East Region

Recently published May 2023 employment data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported that there were nearly 145,000 occupational therapists (OTs) employed in the U.S.  About 26,000 of those OT jobs were in the Mid-East region of the country, an area that encompasses five states and the District of Columbia.  BLS data reveals the Mid-East region to be a relatively good region for OT pay with New York, New Jersey, and Maryland making the top ten nationally for OT annual mean wages.  BLS data reveals the following about occupational therapist employment in the Mid-East region of the U.S. as of May 2023:

Occupational Therapist Employment in the Mid-East Region

Occupational Therapist Employment in the Mid-East Region

State # Employed Annual Mean Wages Wage Rank*
DC 340 $100,430 12th
DE 450 $94,180 22nd
MD 2,590 $101,710 8th
NJ 4,950 $105,880 4th
NY 10,460 $107,530 2nd
PA 7,110 $92,870 25th
U.S. 144,850 $93,491 -------

(*) annual mean wage ranking among the 50 states and the District of Columbia

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics OES. Data extracted on February 7, 2025

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Dental Hygienist Pay in the U.S. Far West

Data recently published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that there were nearly 212,000 dental hygienists working in the United States as of May 2023.  More than 38,000 dental hygienists were working in the six-state U.S. Far West region according to BLS reports.  The region is the strongest one in the nation for dental hygienist pay.  A closer look at May 2023 BLS data reveals the following about dental hygienist pay in the U.S. Far West:

Dental Hygienist pay in the U.S. Far West

Dental Hygienist pay in the U.S. Far West

State # Employed Annual Mean Wages Wage Rank*
AK 610 $115,980 3rd
CA 24,880 $118,330 2nd
HI 1,130 $91,070 18th
NV 2,160 $90,320 19th
OR 2,930 $103,440 5th
WA 6,620 $123,510 1rd
U.S. 211,670 $87,035 -------

(*) annual mean wage ranking among the 50 states and the District of Columbia

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics OES. Data extracted on January 4, 2025