Monday, May 8, 2023

America's Primary Care Shortage by Region

As of December 31, 2022, more than 98.5 million Americans lived in a primary care health professional shortage area (HPSA) according to data from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).  A primary care HPSA is a population group, geographic area, or facility where residents have poor access to basic medical care because too few primary care physicians work in the area relative to the size of the population.  The HRSA estimates that HPSAs throughout the country would need over 17,000 more primary care physicians to eliminate the national primary care shortage.

Here is a summary look at America's primary care shortage by region (for state-level details, follow the "region" link):

America's Primary Care Shortage by Region

Region (1) HPSAs (2) Population (3) Shortage
Far West 1,515 15,434,587 2,765
Great Lakes 1,067 13,616,456 2,028
Great Plains 1,237 6,106,844 1,221
MidEast 491 9,606,286 2,029
New England 252 1,396,786 216
Rocky Mountain 504 3,652,236 586
Southeast 2,171 32,810,866 5,283
Southwest 988 13,630,751 2,266
U.S. Territories 69 2,282,445 671
U.S. 8,294 98,537,257 17,065

(1) Designated Geographic, Population Group, and Facility HPSAs with a primary care shortage
(2) Population of designated HPSAs
(3) Primary Care practitioners needed to remove HPSA Designation

Source:  Designated HPSA Quarterly Summary, 12/31/22 (HRSA)


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