Sunday, January 23, 2022

Physical Therapist Pay in the Great Plains Region

The most current occupational statistical data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that, as of May 2020, nearly 221,000 physical therapists (PTs) were working in the United States.  Just over 16,000 physical therapists were employed in the seven-state Great Plains region at that time.  The Great Plains region was one of the weakest in the nation for PT pay, as the annual mean wage for physical therapists was below the national average in six of the seven states in the region.  Moreover, four Great Plains states ranked among the ten states with the lowest annual mean wage levels in the nation for PTs.  A closer examination of BLS data from May 2020 reveals the following state-level details about physical therapist pay in the Great Plains region:

Physical Therapist Pay in the Great Plains Region
Physical Therapist Pay in the Great Plains Region

State # Employed Annual Mean Wages Wage Rank*
IA 2,150 $83,640 47th
KS 2,200 $91,850 17th
MN 4,360 $86,020 38th
MO 4,220 $84,660 43rd
NE 1,620 $86,850 34th
ND 640 $84,880 42nd
SD 860 $78,850 51st
U.S. 220,870 $91,680 -------

(*) annual mean wage ranking among the 50 states and the District of Columbia

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics OES. Data extracted on May 2, 2021

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