Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Occupational Therapist Pay in the Southeast

Data released earlier this year by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) indicated that almost 145,000 occupational therapists (OTs) were employed in the U.S. as of May 2023.  Over 31,000 occupational therapists were employed in the twelve-state Southeast region of the country at that time.  BLS data revealed the region to be a generally subpar one in terms of OT pay, with only three Southeastern states,  Georgia, Virginia, and Alabama recording an occupational therapist annual mean wage level that was above the national average for the profession.  A closer examination of the BLS data revealed the following details about occupational therapist pay in the Southeast as of May 2023:

Occupational Therapist Pay in the Southeast

Occupational Therapist Pay in the Southeast

State # Employed Annual Mean Wages Wage Rank*
AL 1,300 $94,680 20th
AR 1,600 $92,680 28th
FL 8,100 $92,820 26th
GA 3,590 $98,490 15th
KY 1,960 $86,860 41st
LA 1,520 $93,310 24th
MS 1,190 $90,510 30th
NC 4,250 $88,510 35th
SC 1,930 $88,520 34th
TN 2,280 $92,710 27th
VA 3,440 $102,550 6th
WV 650 $87,460 39th
U.S. 144,850 $93,491 -------

(*) annual mean wage ranking among the 50 states and the District of Columbia

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics OES. Data extracted on January 28, 2025

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