Friday, May 5, 2023

Ten States with the Most People Living in Mental Health Care Shortage Areas

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) may designate as a mental health HPSA (health professional shortage area) any population group, facility, or geographic area where resident access to mental health care falls below certain standards.  This HRSA designation may be based on the size of the HPSA's population relative to either (a) the number of psychiatrists, or (b) the combined number of psychiatrists and certain other mental health care practitioners, that serve the setting or community. Most HRSA mental health care shortage designations are based currently on population size relative to the number of psychiatrists serving the HPSA.  As of December 31, 2022, more than 158.4 million Americans lived in a mental health care shortage area according to HRSA data.

Home to 51.8% of the U.S. population who live in mental health shortage areas, the following are the ten states with the most people living in mental health care shortage areas based on an examination of December 31, 2022, HRSA data:

Ten States with the Most People Living in Mental Health Care Shortage Areas

State (1) HPSAs (2) Population (3) Shortage
TX 439 15,770,751 702
CA 608 13,121,872 673
IL 223 9,841,944 425
FL 237 9,144,127 535
IN 102 6,695,685 286
NY 205 6,427,644 413
GA 94 6,040,851 217
MI 257 5,236,262 226
AL 75 4,884,042 241
OH     139 4,882,049 237
Top 10 2,379 82,045,227 3,955
U.S. 6,599 158,413,168 7,957
% of U.S. 36.1% 51.8% 49.7%

(1) Designated Geographic, Population Group, and Facility HPSAs with a mental health care shortage
(2) Population of designated HPSAs
(3) Mental Health Care practitioners needed to remove HPSA Designation

Source:  Designated HPSA Quarterly Summary, 12/31/22 (HRSA)

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