Thursday, December 30, 2021

Healthcare Social Worker Pay in the Great Plains Region

Earlier this year the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released May 2020 data indicating that there were over 176,000 healthcare social workers (HSWs) employed in the United States.  The seven-state Great Plains regions accounted for 15,000 of those healthcare social worker jobs.  BLS data reveals the region to be a rather poor one for healthcare social worker pay, as no Great Plains state registered a HSW annual mean wage level that topped the national average of $60,470. Moreover, three states in the region ranked among the ten worst states in the nation for HSW annual mean wages. BLS data from May 2020 reveals the following details about healthcare social worker pay in the Great Plains region:

Healthcare Social Worker Pay in the Great Plains Region
Healthcare Social Worker Pay in the Great Plains Region

State # Employed Annual Mean Wages Wage Rank*
IA 1,220 $53,850 38th
KS 1,600 $57,550 26th
MN 4,340 $57,960 21st
MO 6,090 $49,050 48th
NE 780 $50,550 46th
ND 400 $56,100 34th
SD 570 $45,430 51st
U.S. 176,110 $60,470 -------

(*) annual mean wage ranking among the 50 states and the District of Columbia

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics OES. Data extracted on May 17, 2021

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

National Cancer Institute, Our Trusted Link for December 2021


National Cancer Institute

Since 1937, the National Cancer Institute has been the national leader in conducting cancer research, as well as training healthcare workers to diagnose and treat cancer.  Cancer was the first non-communicable disease for which research and treatment was funded by the U.S. government. 

Now part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Cancer Institute (NCI) has the largest budget and research program within NIH: over $6 billion, with over 40% dedicated to research project grants. NCI supports and performs research on the causes, genomics, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer. 

Milestones include

  • 1940: First issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute (now independent of NCI)
  • 1955: NCI created the Clinical Trials Cooperative Group Program
  • 1957: The first cancer, choriocarcinoma, was cured with chemotherapy at NCI
  • 1960: NCI began funding government-supported cancer centers.
  • 1971: The National Cancer Act of 1971 declares "war on cancer," creates the National Cancer Advisory Board, increases funding 
  • 1973: SEER program established to collect U.S. cancer statistics
  • 1976: Cancer Information Service launched (800-4-CANCER) 
  • 1996: Office of Cancer Survivorship established
  • 2016: Genomic Data Commons begins making cancer genomics data available to all researchers

Moonshot: Launched by the Obama Administration, the National Cancer Moonshot is a $1 billion initiative to accelerate the development of new cancer detection and treatments. 

History Project: Created to mark the 50th anniversary of the National Cancer Act of 1971, the Cancer History Project is a free historical resource. 

The Most Active NCI Blogs

Cancer Currents
Cancer Prevention Science
Cancer Data Science Pulse
CGH Spotlight (from Center for Global Health)
NCI Bottom Line (grants and training)


CCR Milestones from Center for Cancer Research
Global Health Activities from Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences
DCEG Linkage from Division of Cancer Genetics and Epidemiology
DCTD Pipeline News from Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis
EGRP Cancer Epidemiology News
Office of Cancer Genomics E-Newsletter
Scientific News from NCI’s Behavioral Research Program

Social Media at NCI

    "NCI at a Glance" Infographic

    Nurse Practitioner Pay in the Mid-Eastern U.S.

    Data published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) put the number of nurse practitioners (NPs) working in the United States at more than 211,000 as of May 2020.  More than 33,700 of the nation's nurse practitioner jobs at that time were in the Mid-Eastern region, an area which includes five states and the District of Columbia.  The Mid-Eastern U.S. was one of the best regions of the country for nurse practitioner pay.  More than 73% of nurse practitioners employed in the Mid-Eastern region lived in a state where the NP annual mean wage exceeded the national average of $114,510. Moreover, over 60% of employed NPs in the region lived in New York or New Jersey, two states that ranked among the five best states in the country for nurse practitioner annual mean wages. A closer examination of BLS employment data from May 2020 shows the following about nurse practitioner pay in the Mid-Eastern U.S.:

    Nurse Practitioner Pay in the Mid-Eastern U.S.

    Nurse Practitioner Pay in the Mid-Eastern U.S.

    State # Employed Annual Mean Wages Wage Rank*
    DC 860 $116,150 16th
    DE 740 $112,230 24th
    MD 3,320 $115,240 17th
    NJ 5,800 $130,890 2nd
    NY 14,850 $126,440 4th
    PA 8,150 $111,560 28th
    U.S. 211,280 $114,510 -------

    (*) annual mean wage ranking among the 50 states and the District of Columbia

    Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics OES. Data extracted on May 17, 2021

    Tuesday, December 21, 2021

    Family Medicine Physician Pay in the Southwest

    Information published earlier this year by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) put the number of employed family medicine physicians in the U.S. at more than 98,000 as of May 2020.  The four-state Southwest U.S. accounted for about 13,000 of the country's employed family medicine physicians.  BLS data reveals the region to be a slightly better than average one for family physician pay.  Although New Mexico ranked among the ten worst states in the nation for family medicine physician annual mean wages, well over 90% of the region's practitioners lived in states where the family medicine physician annual mean wage level was at, or above, the nation average. A closer review of May 2020 BLS data details the following about family medicine physician pay in the Southwest:

    Family Medicine Physician Pay in the Southwest

    Family Medicine Physician Pay in the Southwest

    State # Employed Annual Mean Wages Wage Rank*
    AZ 2,960 $218,920 23rd
    NM 560 $194,260 44th
    OK 1,680 $214,130 30th
    TX 8,010 $220,390 19th
    U.S. 98,590 $214,370 -------

    (*) annual mean wage ranking among the 50 states and the District of Columbia

    Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics OES. Data extracted on May 12, 2021

    Monday, December 20, 2021

    General Dentist Pay in Far Western U.S. States

    About 96,000 general dentists were employed in the U.S. as of May 2020 according to data recently published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).  Just over 18,000 general dentists were working in the six-state Far Western region of the country.  For general dentists, the region is a mixed bag in terms of pay relative to the national average.  About 2/3rds of the Far West's general dentists live in California, which ranked in the bottom quartile of states for general dentist annual mean wages.  However, the remaining states in the region all recorded general dentist annual mean wage levels above the national average and two states, Alaska and Oregon, ranked among the ten best states in the nation for general dentist pay. An examination of BLS data from May 2020 reveals the following details about general dentist pay in Far Western U.S. states:

    General Dentist Pay in Far Western U.S. States

    General Dentist Pay in Far Western U.S. States

    State # Employed Annual Mean Wages Wage Rank*
    AK 220 $242,850 3rd
    CA 12,040 $160,300 41st
    HI 660 $202,890 14th
    NV 720 $203,450 13th
    OR 1,500 $215,750 7th
    WA 2,910 $187,520 21st
    U.S. 95,920 $180,830 -------

    (*) annual mean wage ranking among the 50 states

    Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics OES. Data extracted on May 12, 2021

    Saturday, December 18, 2021

    EMT and Paramedic Pay in the Great Lakes States

    Data made available earlier this year by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) revealed that over 257,000 EMTs (emergency medical technicians) and paramedics were employed in the United States as of May 2020. The five Great Lakes states accounted for over 40,000 of those EMT and paramedic jobs. Other than in Illinois, which ranked among the ten best states in the nation for EMT and paramedic annual mean wages, the Great Lakes region is a generally weak one for EMT and paramedic pay.  The other four states in the region, which accounted for more than two-thirds of region's EMT and paramedic employment, all recorded an annual mean wage level for EMTs and paramedics that was below the national average. Moreover, two of those states ranked among the ten worst states in the country for EMT and paramedic annual mean wages. Further examination of May 2020 BLS data revealed the following about EMT and paramedic pay in the Great Lakes states:

    EMT and Paramedic Pay in the Great Lakes States

    EMT and Paramedic Pay in the Great Lakes States

    State # Employed Annual Mean Wages Wage Rank*
    IL 12,410 $48,040 6th
    IN 6,330 $36,360 36th
    MI 6,880 $34,410 44th
    OH 9,150 $34,680 42nd
    WI 5,670 $36,790 32nd
    U.S. 257,700 $40,370 -------

    (*) annual mean wage ranking among the 50 states and the District of Columbia

    Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics OES. Data extracted on May 10, 2021

    Tuesday, December 14, 2021

    Pharmacist Pay in New England

    Recent data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) revealed that there were more than 315,000 pharmacists employed in the United States as of May 2020.  Over 15,400 employed pharmacists lived in the six-state New England region.  Although Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire ranked about the eleven best states in the nation for pharmacist annual mean wages, the region was not a particularly good one for pharmacist pay, as nearly 80% of the region's pharmacists lived in states where the annual mean wage was below the national average.  A deeper dive into BLS data from May 2020 reveals the following about pharmacist pay in New England:

    Pharmacist Pay in New England

    Pharmacist Pay in New England

    State # Employed Annual Mean Wages Wage Rank*
    CT 3,420 $124,820 19th
    MA 7,560 $121,450 32nd
    ME 1,320 $134,100 4th
    NH 1,300 $127,990 11th
    RI 1,340 $115,050 50th
    VT 530 $131,910 5th
    U.S. 315,470 $125,460 -------

    (*) annual mean wage ranking among the 50 states and the District of Columbia

    Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics OES. Data extracted on May 2, 2021

    Friday, December 3, 2021

    Massage Therapist Pay in the Mid-Eastern U.S.

    Recently published U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data indicated that, as of May 2020, over 85,000 massage therapists were employed in the United States.  At that time, more than 11,000 massage therapists were working in the Mid-Eastern U.S., a region that includes five states and the District of Columbia.  A closer examination at BLS data from May 2020 shows us the following about massage therapist pay in the Mid-Eastern U.S.:

    Massage Therapist Pay in the Mid-Eastern U.S.

    Massage Therapist Pay in the Mid-Eastern U.S.

    State # Employed Annual Mean Wages Wage Rank*
    DC 90 N/A N/A
    DE N/A N/A N/A
    MD 1,030 $46,880 20th
    NJ 2,440 $46,280 24th
    NY 5,180 $55,290 7th
    PA 2,490 $46,700 22nd
    U.S. 85,040 $47,350 -------

    (*) annual mean wage ranking among the 50 states and the District of Columbia

    Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics OES. Data extracted on June 5, 2021

    Thursday, December 2, 2021

    Speech Language Pathologist Pay in New England

    U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) employment data released earlier this year reported nearly 148,500 speech language pathologists (SLPs) at work in the United States as of May 2020.  About 8,500 SLPs were employed in the six-state New England region according to the BLS data.  New England is a relatively good region for speech language pathologist pay, notwithstanding the fact that Maine ranked among the ten worst states in the country for SLP annual mean wages. Despite the poor pay environment in Maine, 78% of SLPs in New England lived in one of three states in the region that ranked among the eleven best states in the nation for speech language pathologist annual mean wage levels. A closer review of May 2020 BLS data reveals the following details about speech language pathologist pay in New England:

    Speech Language Pathologist Pay in New England

    Speech Language Pathologist Pay in New England

    State # Employed Annual Mean Wages Wage Rank*
    CT 2,360 $100,590 2nd
    MA 3,790 $86,530 11th
    ME 680 $69,250 46th
    NH 880 $80,420 23rd
    RI 480 $87,270 9th
    VT 280 $83,680 14th
    U.S. 148,450 $83,240 -------

    (*) annual mean wage ranking among the 50 states and the District of Columbia

    Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics OES. Data extracted on June 2, 2021

    Wednesday, December 1, 2021

    U.S. Cancer Deaths by Region

    Responsible for over 599,000 deaths in 2019 (about 21% of all U.S. deaths that year), cancer is the second leading cause of death in the country.  Thanks to advancements in diagnosis and treatment, the cancer death rate edged modestly downward in the twenty years from 1999 to 2019.  From 197.0 deaths per 100,000 population in 1999, the cancer death rate dropped to 182.7 deaths per 100,000 population by 2019.  The favorable national trend in the cancer death rate was mirrored in every region of the nation during the 1999 to 2019 period.  Further examination of data from the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics revealed the following details about U.S. cancer deaths by region (to see state level data, follow the "Area" links in the table below):

    Area/Deaths 1999 2009 2019
    Far West 76,730 83,000 89,507
    Great Lakes 93,654 93,550 95,015
    Great Plains 39,166 39,702 41,404
    Mid-East 99,319 93,994 90,941
    New England 30,068 29,100 28,898
    Rocky Mountain 13,171 14,813 17,318
    Southeast 145,800 156,766 170,603
    Southwest 51,930 56,703 65,915
    Total 549,838 567,628 599,601
    Area/Death Rate* 1999 2009 2019
    Far West 165.0 159.1 158.2
    Great Lakes 208.3 201.8 202.6
    Great Plains 204.7 194.7 193.2
    Mid-East 215.4 196.1 186.1
    New England 217.3 202.0 194.7
    Rocky Mountain 144.8 137.2 139.7
    Southeast 212.6 201.5 200.9
    Southwest 168.5 153.7 155.7
    Total 197.0 185.0 182.7

    (*) number of cancer deaths per 100,000 population

    Source: CDC Wonder. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. Underlying Cause of Death 1999-2019 on CDC WONDER Online Database, released in 2020. Data are from the Multiple Cause of Death Files, 1999-2019, as compiled from data provided by the 57 vital statistics jurisdictions through the Vital Statistics Cooperative Program. Accessed on July 17, 2021